A major in Biology blends knowledge of basic scientific processes with an appreciation of the phenomenon of life.
Why Biology at the Mount?
As a biology major you work with an advisor to plan a schedule of courses in biology and other natural sciences appropriate for your plans and interests. Some of these subjects are:
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Cell Biology
- Ecology
- Biotechnology
- Entomology
- Evolution
- Genetics
- Microbiology
- Biological Psychology
- Pathophysiology
- Animal Behavior
- Advanced Anatomy
- Aquatic Biology
- Immunology
- Biological Forensics
Take your Bachelor of Science in Biology degree and pursue additional studies to become a physician, geneticist, forensic scientist, developmental or cell biologist, entomologist, public health expert, veterinarian or physical therapist. Other graduates seek employment directly after graduation as a:
- Environmental educator
- High school biology teacher
- Laboratory director in research and development
- Research scientist (industry, medicine, natural science)

Hands-On Learning:
Biology students hold co-op positions in research and diagnostic laboratories, product manufacturing and testing, zoos, museums, hospitals, physical therapy clinics, rehabilitation facilities, non-profits, and aquaria. Students may engage in individualized research with a faculty mentor or participate in an internship experience in an off-campus research program. Student research projects have culminated in publications and award-winning presentations at regional and national conferences.
Qualified students are eligible for membership in Beta Beta Beta, the Xi Gamma Chapter of the National Biology Honor Society. Members participate in regional and national research symposia that will strengthen their learning.
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Stay up to date with the most recent biology program news and events; visit the Department of Biomedical & Natural Sciences page.
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