students looking at laptop in learning center

The Mount's Learning Center offers you resources and individualized attention to help you achieve academic success.

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The Learning Center

The Learning Center is a centralized support system that boosts your ability to succeed at the Mount. Services include:

  • the Writing Center
  • the Math & Science Center
  • the Peer Tutoring Program
  • placement testing
  • individualized assistance with study skills
  • academic support for students with disabilities
  • assistive software and adaptive equipment

The Learning Center Houses:

• The Writing Center
• The Math & Science Center
• Peer Tutoring Program
• Diagnostic and placement testing
• Instructional and adaptive software
• Individualized assistance with study skills and learning issues
• Academic support for students with disabilities

Writing Center

The Writing Center provides individual consultation for students at every stage of the writing process. Students receive personal attention from guides and teachers who assist in developing, writing and learning strategies that help students become more effective writers.

Math & Science Center

The Math & Science Center offers one-on-one sessions to help students succeed in their math courses through calculus, and their 100-level science courses. The tutors can also help with math and science content in other courses.

Peer Tutoring

The peer tutoring program enhances student success in coursework across the curriculum by providing concentrated, one-on-one intervention for students in need of extra academic support. Peer tutors serve as role models of motivation and success, while simultaneously reinforcing their own learning.

Individualized Study Skills Assistance

Individualized study skills assistance helps students acquire a greater understanding of themselves and of the basic skills needed for success in the classroom:

• time management
• goal-setting
• effective reading
• note-taking
• test-taking strategies

Study Tables 

Afternoon and evening study tables with peer tutors are offered for student-athletes.


The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) provides students the opportunity to demonstrate college-level knowledge and earn college credit through a program of exams, regardless of where or how the students acquired their knowledge. Both traditional and non-traditional students can benefit from credit earned through CLEP. Students should contact the Career and Experiential Education Center for more information.

Academic Support for Students with Disabilities

In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Mount St. Joseph University provides reasonable academic adjustments and auxiliary aids for students with physical or mental impairments that substantially limit or restrict one or more of such major life activities as walking, seeing, hearing, or learning. The University provides these reasonable academic adjustments and auxiliary aids to eligible students, free of charge, according to students’ individual needs. Advocacy assistance on disability-related issues is also provided. Students with qualifying impairments should contact the Director of the Learning Center & Disability Services.

On-Campus Job Opportunities

The Learning Center offers a variety of student employment opportunities. Undergraduate and graduate students serve as peer tutors, SSI leaders, and writing consultants.


Accuplacer is a computer-based test to determine college level course placement.


The Learning Center is located in the Seton Center, room 156. 

Contact Information

Learning Center & Disability Services 
(513) 244-4202.